Thank you for your interest in the Young Adult Program! We work with every person to reach their highest skill potential. Beginning with training and oversight to ensure safety and best practices, we peel away the supports slowly as the student demonstrates competency and confidence. As we grow older, change becomes more difficult. Finding the right path for individuals with social or learning differences while they are young enough to adapt is paramount to achieving our goals.
How can we be part of your independence story?
Student Criteria
Our program is for young men and women who WANT to be independent. Successful candidates are students motivated to achieve personal independence while enjoying strong personal and workplace relationships.
Criteria for admissions include:
- High school graduate
- Between the age of 18-26
- Full scale IQ of 80 or above
- Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and/or other learning or social disabilities
- Motivation for personal independence and social engagement
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